My vacation in Easter Island
Hello everybody!!! Today I will talk about “My vacation in Easter Island with my family” It was a great trip. I went with my mom and my brother. I think it is been the best vacation we have had. We did many activities how to visit the architecture of the island, ride a horse and eat a lot fish. What I liked most about the trip was diving in the ocean. It is one of the most incredible things I have done in my life. We also went to dance pascuense in a typical party. It was very difficult but also entertaining. Difficult because I am not a good dancer. The most beautiful thing I saw were the moais and the corals at the bottom of the ocean. What scared me the most were the insects. The beach named Anakena was beautiful, it had warm water and white sand. I also had palm trees. One of the best beach I have been to. The most amazing thing that happened to me was training taekwondo with the people from Easter Island. They were very strong and very disciplined. I am very...